20 January 2009

Today's Special Vocabulary - Feelings

(lloi) alegria..........................Joyful (lloiful) alegre
(píís) paz......................Peaceful (píísful) pacifico
Love (lav) amor......................Loving (laving) amuroso
Happiness (hépines) felicidad.....................................Happy (hépi) feliz
Satisfaction (satisécshen) satisfaccion.....Satisfied (sátisfaid) satisfecho
Respect (respékt) respeto....................Respectful (respéktful) respetuoso
Gratitude (grátitud) gratitud......................Grateful (gréitful) agradecido
Harmony (hármoni) armonía......Harmonious (harmónies) harmonioso
Affection (afékshen) afecto...............Affectionate (afékshenet) afectuoso
Understanding (andersténding)entendimiento..............Understanding

It is a very joyful event for all of us.
Only I say, give peace a chance.
All you need is love.
Are you happy?
I can't get no satisfaction but I try and I try...
Respect your mother and your father so you may have a long life.
I am grateful for this opportunity.
They seem to have a very harmonious relationship.
My cat is very affectionate.
His parents are very Understanding.

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