24 January 2009

Today's Class-Places to Go, Things to Do -With the Imperative

Agency (éiyensi) agencia - Please ask the agency for two new plane tickets.

Auditorium (oditóeium) auditorium- Buy a ticket at the auditorium, the Rolling Stones are playing there tonight.

Airport (éirport) aeropuertoBe at the airport three hours

before departure.

Art Gallery (árt gáleri) Galería de ArteLet’s go see the new exhibits at the art gallery.

Bank (bénk) banko Go to the bank, get some change (chéinsh) monedas/cambio

Bakery (béikeri) panadería – Please, bring me a loaf of whole wheat bread (a lóuf ov hóul wíít bred) from the bakery.

Coffee Shop (cófi shop)) café Meet me at our coffee shop at

4:00 tomorrow afternoon.

Cinema (cínema) cinemaWatch that movie in the cinema, see the special effects.

Club (clab) club Meet me at the club for dinner tonight.

Country Side (cántri said) las afueras – Please drive me to my place in the country side. I need to have a little rest and relaxation.

Deli (deli) fiambrería Get us two ham sandwiches at the deli.

Department Store (department stor) un supermercado que vende de todo - Shop at the neighborhood department store, it has a large selection.

Downtown (dauntaun) pleno centro Take the bus downtown, it’s the easiest way to get there.

Flower Shop (flauér shop) floreria Let me have a dozen of red roses.

Fruit and Vegetable Store (frut end véshtabel stour) fruteria y verduderia – Please get me two pounds of oranges and a pound of bananas from the fruit and vegetable store at the corner.

Garage (garaásh) mecanicoPlease take the van to the garage for a tune up.

Grocery Store (gróseri stour) almacenBuy some milk, cheese and half a pound of green olives at the grocery store.

Hotel (hotel) hotelPick her up from the hotel at 7:00am.

Hospital (hospital) hospitalDon’t visit me at the hospital, let’s meet at home.

Information Center (informéishen center) centro de informaciónAsk for directions at the information center.

Jail (sheil) cárcelBe careful! Don’t drink and drive, you might end up in jail.

Jewelry Store (lluelri stour) joyería –Please fix and polish this bracelet for my wife.

Kitchen (kíchen) cocina - Ask for two glasses of milk at the kitchen and bring me one.

Laundromat (lóndri mét) lavandería - Wash and dry your clothes in the laundromat, it takes

less than an hour and a half.

Library (láibreri) bibloteca - Return these books to the library and pick up ten new ones.

Market (market) Mercado Buy some fresh fish at the market.

Night Club (náit clab) cabaret Check out the new night club at the corner, they’ve a nice show and good food.

Office (ófis) oficinaCall the office and let them now we are here.

Post Office (post ófis) correo – Please send these letters from the post office across the street.

Prison (príson) presoAvoid going to prison at all costs.

Play Ground (pléi graund) patio de recreoTake the children to the play ground; it is a lot of fun.

Park (park) parque – Come on! Go play in the park with your friends.

Parking Lot (parking lat) estacionamiento –Please park the car in the parking lot next door.

Quarantine (quarantine) cuarentina – Please quarantine your son so he may not infect the rest of the family.

Restaurant (réstorant) restauranteHave lunch with us at the Japanese restaurant.

Spa (spa) balneario Try the masseuses at the spa, they are very professional.

Subway Station (sábuéi stéishen) estasción de subteraneos Take the D line at the subway station next block.

Supermarket (súpermarket) supermercadoTry to buy all we need at the supermarket with a credit card.

Train Station (tréin stéishen) estación de tren- Let’s meet at the train station and take the train to Retiro.

Theatre (zíater) teatro Come to see our show at the theatre, it’s quite entertaining.

University (iúnivérsiti) universidad Take a history course at the University, it’s very interesting.

Veterinarian (Vet) veterenárian – Please take our dog to the veterinarian, he needs his yearly injections.

Warehouse (uérhaus) galpon Go to the warehouse, they have discount prices.

Youth Hostel (iúz hóstel) hostel de jovenes- Rent a room for two at the youth hostel, it is not expensive.

Zoo (sú) zoologico - Let's go to the zoo; they have a new baby Koala!

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