13 January 2009


What do people say in English? Do they say the same things like in Spanish?

Well, Yes!!! Absolutely!

A person in England is hungry like una persona en Argentina. People in the USA go
to work just like they do in Spain. A mother in Australia might worry about her family just like a mother in Uruguay. A child in New Zealand may want to stay at home like a child in Venezuela may. All people have the same basic needs for food, shelter, freedom, love and peace.
The words may sound different but everywhere in the world people say the same things:

"I am hungry",

"I don't want to go to school",
"I'm tired",
"Please, help me!"
"It's hot",
"It's cold",
"Where are you going?"
"When are you coming back?"

We are the world, we are the children...

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