29 November 2011

Students' Compositions - Past Simple - 



A good Experience at Work

    Two years ago I had returned from a vacation and when I arrived at work, a workmate told me that my boss was sick. I knew that this month would be 
difficult because we had a lot of work and with some clients we were late.
Some people were on vacation and we were short on staff.

The best way to do the job was for one person to do a project and so we did that.

I had to work with Golden Food.

Golden Food is a big Mexican cereal company. It's biggest competition is Kellogg’s. Golden Food had very difficult problems. The client wanted to change the brand and do a refresh on their ten boxes.

Five products were for children and these boxes had characters so I had to

work with an illustrator. One product was only for women because it was low fat and four products were for adults.

I started to work with Glacks. Glacks was their best product; like Zucaritas for Kellogg´s, but Glacks has a lion.

First of all I needed to make a structure and then this structure would be 
used for the rest of the children product.

I *was working for three month with that line. (*past continuous)

I had problems with some character because the illustrator didn't understand what I wanted to do, so we did some characters for the same product with different positions.

When the client approved the line, I started to work with the adult cereals 

the same way. The structure is the most important because when the structure is ok I only need to change the colors for the rest of that line.

This work was interesting because I could work with characters, full colors, brand fantasy and the fonts too.

by Adrian


had (héed) pasado de have - tener
arrived (aráivd) pasado de arrive - arivar, llegar
told  (told) pasado de tell - contar, decir
knew (núu) pasado de know - saber, conocer
were (uér) pasado de be por you, we, they - ser / estar
was (uás) pasado de be por I, he, she - ser / estar
did (did) pasado de do - hacer, (tambien auxiliar para el Past Simple)
had (héed) pasado de have - tener, (tambien auxliar para e Past Perfect)
started (stárted) pasado de start - empezar
needed (níided) pasado de need - necesitar
wanted (uanted) pasado de want - querer
approved (aprúuvd) pasado de approve - aprobar
could (cúud) pasado de can - poder, ser hábil

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