When we feel well, we are healthy (hélzi).
Sometimes we don’t feel well. We may be:
not well (nat uél) mal
sick (sik) enfermo
ill (íl) enfermo
hurt (hert) herido
dizzy (dísi) mareado
nauseous (nóshes) tiene nausia
bleeding (blíding) sangrando
infected (infécted) infectado
I don’t feel so well. I am sick.
What is the matter?
I think I have a cold.
I have a headache, a runny nose and maybe fever.
Or we might have:
A cold- resfrío
Flu (flú) gripe
Fever (fíver) fiebre
Bronchitis (bronkáitis)
Pneumonia (eumónia)
Headache (hédeik) dolor de cabeza
Toothache (túzeik) dolor de muelas
Earache (ííreik) dolor de oídos
Heartache (hárteik) dolor de corazón
Stomachache (stómaeik) dolor del estómago
How are you?
I’m sore all over.
Too much exercise?
Sore eyes (sór áis) dolor de ojos
Sore lips (sór lips) dolor de labios
Sore throat (sór zrout) dolor de garganta
Sore muscles (sór másels) dolor de músculos
Sore legs (sór legs) dolor de piernas
Sore feet (sór fíít) dolor de pies
Sore hands (sór hénds) dolor de manos
Broken bones (brouken bouns) huesos quebrados
Pain (péin), ache (éik), sore (sor) - dolor
Burn (
Itch (ich) pica
Broken (brouken) quebrado
Infection (infécshen) infeccion
Rash (rásh)
Food poisoning (fúd poidening)
Is Nora all right?
Well, she got a burn.
Is it serious?
It hurts, but it is only a first degree burn so it will heal soon.
Some pains are
Dull (dal) flojo
Sharp (sharp) afilado
Pulsating (pálseiting) pulsando
Frequent (fríkuent) frecuente
Constant (kónstent) constante
Severe (sevír) severo
Penetrating (penetréiting) fuerte
Comes and goes (kams en gous) viene y va
Doctor, I have a stomachache
What kind of pain do you feel in your stomach?
I don’t know how to explain it.
Is it sharp or dull?
It is sharp.
Is it constant or does it come and go?
It comes and goes.
We Might have a Sickness; Illness; Disease; Ailment (éilment) – enfermedad
a disease may be serious but there is always hope for recovery
Arthritis (aztáitis) atritis
Cancer (kénser) cancer
Concussion (konkáshen)
Tuberculosis/TB (tuberculosis)
Cardiac arrest (cardiac arrest) parro de corazón
Heart disease (hart disis) enfermedad de corazón
Lung disease (lang disis) enfermedad de los pulmones
Kidney disease (kídni disis) enfermedad de los riñones
Malaria (malaria) malaria
You look terrible. What’s the matter?
My doctor said I have skin cancer.
Don’t worry!
Yes. It is curable 98% of the time.
Mental Illnesses can be controlled by medication and therapy:
Paranoia (paranóia)paranoia: paranoid (paranoid) paranoico
Schizophrenia (skítsofrénia): schizophrenic (skitsofrénik)
Manic depression (mánik depréshen): bi-polar (bai pólar) bipolar
Depression (depréshen): depressed (deprésd) depremido
Phobia (fóbia) fobia: phobic (fóbic) fobico
Doctor, I am afraid. I think people follow me and want to harm me.
How often do you feel that?
Not always, but it worries me.
When does it happen?
It usually happens when I’m very tired.
Try to do some Yoga or get a acupreassure massage.
It doesn’t help.
Well, you may be a little paranoid. Here is a prescription for you.
Some conditions happen at birth or early childhood – those may
Improve or cure
Deafness (defnes) deaf (def) sordo
Dumbness (damnes) dumb (dam) mudo
Paralysis (paralysis) paralyzed (páralaised) paralizo
What do we look for when we want to get better?
a remedy (rémedi) remedio
a cure (kiúr) cura
an improvement (imprúvment) mejoramiento
a betterment (béterment) mejoramiento
a solution (solúshen) solucion
a healing (hííling) cura
What can help?
Medication (medikéishen) medicacion
Medicine (médisin) medicina
Prescription (preskrípshen) prescipcion
Massage (masash) masaje
Acupuncture (akiupánkcher) acupancturaTherapy (zérapi) terapia
Yoga (iyóga)
Injection / Shot (inyekshen) injeccion
Operation / Surgery (operéishen/séryeri) operacion
Who can help?
A nurse (ners) enfermera
A doctor (doctor) doctor
A physician (fidíshen) medico
A masseuse (masús) masagista
A psychologist (saikóloyist) psicologo
A psychiatrist (saikáetrist) psiquiatra
A healer (hííler) cura
Where can we go for help?
Doctor office (dóctor)
Clinic (klínik) clínica
Hospital (hospital) hospital
Emergency room (eméryensi rúm)
Yoga class (iyóga)
Massage parlor, or private practice(masay) masage
What do we say to a person who isn’t well?
“Get well soon!”
“We wish you a quick recovery!”
“Get better soon!”