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Dear Nancy, have a very, very wonderful and happy birthday click to see your card We shall celebrate later today in class! | |
17 January 2009
daleingles wishes Nancy a very "happy birthday"
Today's Class-What do they do? Where do they work?

These are some of the things people do:
Archie is a very creative architect. He mainly designs hotels and restaurants for major construction companies.
Anna is an artist. At her studio she paints in oil, acrylics or water paints and sculptures. She exhibits her work in a gallery.
Bruno is a bar tender and works at a well known bar in Mar de Plata. He is popular with the guests and makes good tips.
His brother is a bouncer (baunser) and decides who may or may not go in to see the band at the discotheque next door.
train station in Retiro. Most of the time passengers give him a few coins but sometimes he gets a bill of two or even five pesos.
Cara is a caterer (kéiterer) and owns her own commercial kitchen. She specializes in Peruvian food and caters to businesses around the port.
Diego is a dentist and shares a clinic with five other dentists. He fills cavities, cleans and polishes teeth or sometimes pulls out a molar tooth.

Dianne Keaton is a director (dáirector) . She directs films and is an excellent actress as well.
Eric is an engineer (ényiníír). He designs and maintains computerized machinery for General Electrics.
Evelyn is an entertainer. She performs in television shows and in local theatres. She acts, sings, dances, talks and tells jokes in front of enthusiastic audiences.
Fay is a flight attendant for US Airline. She attends to passengers on board commercial flights from Los Angeles to Buenos Aires and back.
Fred is a fire fighter (fáier fáiter). He often saves the lives of people who get trapped in their apartments or when their house is on fire.
Fashion designers like Pierre Cardin design men's cloths and accessories.
George is a gardener who tends many embassy gardens. He works for a dynamic landscape company.
Hilda is a housewife (háusuáif) and does house chores at home. She cleans, washes dishes, does the laundry, shops and cooks, sews, takes care of her husband and children and does not get paid for it!
I am an interpreter (intérpreter). I interpret in court (kort) from Japanese, Spanish and Hebrew to English and vise versa.
Ingrid is an investor with a private company. She negotiates with large corporations to help fund farms and small businesses.
Ira is an inventor. He invents many useful house hold gadgets.
Jimmy is a juggler (yágler) in a circus. He juggles balls, torches and objects as large as chairs!
John is a journalist and has a column in the New York Times.
He writes about interesting people and places.
Jack is a janitor. He maintains and keeps the school neat and clean.
Kings are rulers who make all the important decisions in their Kingdom.
Laura is a lawyer. She defends abused mothers and children who appear in court.
Marty is a manager (mánaller) at the Sheraton Hotel in Puerto Madero. He often solves complex problems and handles difficult situations.
Marcus is the minister of transportation in X Land. His father is a church minister.
Nora is a nurse (nérs). She assists doctors with the care of patients at a Hospital .
My niece is a nun. She serves God in a secluded monastery.
Oprah is an operator. She answers calls for Verizon, currently the largest Telephone Company in the USA .
Olivia is an organizer (órganaiser). She organizes large events that take place in the Convention Centre.
Pam is a plastic surgeon (séryen). She operates on hands and feet in her own clinic.
Peter is a policeman in NYPD. He and his partner drive around town in search of any suspicious activity.
Queen Elizabeth is the the symbolic ruler of England but does not make military or political decisions.
Robert is a repairman (ripérmén) and has his own shop. He repairs home appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, driers or even radios and televisions.
Sarah is a scientist and works at a lab. She researches new cancer remedies.
Simon is a singer and a song writer. He has ten CDs to his name.

Tammy is a tour guide (túr gáid) and works for a tourist agency (turist éillensi). She accompanies tourists and shows them the City of Buenos Aires . Sometimes she takes them to a Tango show or escorts them on a boat tour around Tigre.
A translator (tránsleitor) translates legal documents, letters, magazines or books from one language to another. Now a days, most translators work with computers in the comfort of their homes.
Umberto’s brother is an undercover agent (ándercaver éillent) in Las Vegas . He inspects criminal activity by following clues.
Valdez is a vendor (vender). At weekends he vends musical instruments in fairs (férs) around town.
Valerie is a valet (vale) parker. She parks expensive cars of customers who come to dine at the Hilton Hotel.
Wesley is a whole seller. He sells in bulk (large quantities at a marked down prices) to retailers (stores that sell to individual customers).
X is a Xerox operator at the Municipal Office of Justice. He mostly copies legal documents for lawyers.
Zelda is a prominent zoologist at the University of California . She often studies the conditions of captive animals in San Diego Zoo or travels to an African Safari.