08 February 2009

¿Que Dicen los Alumnos de daleingles?


Tu blog es muy completo y nos ayuda mucho!! Gracias por pensar en tus alumnos!

Te deseo lo mejor ya que realmente sos una persona que llega al corazón de tus alumnos con tu conocimiento y tu linda personalidad!!

Aprendemos de una manera distinta, distendida y divertida!
Espero volver pronto a las clases de ingles, y me encanta k emprendas cosas nuevas, te felicito!!!

Felicidades para vos y un muy buen año!!!


Today's Special Vocabulary

Truth (truz) verdad True (tru) verdadero Truely (truli) verdadamente
Simplicity (simplísiti) simplicidad Simple (símplel) simple Simply (símpli) simplemente
Openness (óupenes) abertura Open (ópen) abierto Openly (ópenli) abiertamente
Frankness (frénknes) Frank (frénk) franco Frankly (frénkli) francamente
Sincerity (sinsériti) sinceridad Sincere (sinsír) sincero Sincerely (sinsírli) sinceramente
Honesty (ónesti) honestidad Honest (ónest) honesto Honestly (ónestli) honestamente
Reality (riáliti) realidad Real (rííl) real Really (rííli) realmente
Authenticity (ozentísiti) autenticidad Authentic (ozéntic) autentico
Naturalness (náturalnes) naturalidad Natural (náchural) natural Naturally (náchurali) naturalmente
"To understand the ultimate truth, ... you have to be utterly simple
because truth is simple," says Prem Rawat.

"How simple?" asks Maharaji "With the heart of a child.
What does a child have that you don't have? Simplicity."

We express ourselves openly.
Frankly, I need to spend some time by myself.
A sincere person always has my approval.
"Honesty is the best policy."
Be real!
This is an authentic Van Goch painting.
Her expression is very natural and free.

Student's Compositions-"Dear Dahli"

Dear Dahli,

I want to understand the motive for which people think that is easier to say lies that to tell the truth. I hate to justify me when sometime I say some lie. If a person thinks and feel a thing in your heart because after his mouth another different thing goes out. If we cannot express it that we feel, our emotions and bodies were paying the consequences.
We must learn to love our life and bodies.

We must not live only for the image. We must enjoy what feel in ours.

This is healthier and entertaining.
I love myself!!!

Nancy Fontes

Nancy's second composition in Present Habitual (simple)
incorporating a reflexive pronoun.

Edited version by dahli with Nancy's approval:

Dear Dahli,

I want to know the reason why people think that it is easier to tell lies than to tell the truth. I hate to justify myself when I lie. When people think and feel something in their heart, why then something different comes out of their mouth? If we cannot express what we feel, our body pays the consequences physically, emotionally and mentally.
We must learn to love our life and
need not live only for our image. We should enjoy what we feel within. This is healthier and more enjoyable.
I love myself!!!