I am a Designer
I am a designer for Interbrand which is a major, world renowned design and advertising company.
This week I am working for Kraft.
Kraft is a food company and doing a spring promotion in September. They want to redesign the carts for their three new flavors: cheese burger, bacon and Tex Mex. The customer keeps changing his mind and that makes my work difficult.
I’m also working with Rica, a company from the
Today I have a phone presentation conference for Rica.
Sometimes when I start speaking, I feel very nervous and my voice starts shaking and I do not know whether the customer can sense it, but then after a few minutes, I relax and am able to continue smoothly.
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Vocabulary (vokábiulari) vocabulario
designer (disáiner) deseñador
major (meillor) principal
renowned (renáund) conocido, famoso
clients (cláients) clientes
presentation (presentéishen) presentacion
conference (kónferens) conferencia
nervous (nérves) nervioso
shaking (shéiking) tremblando
sense (sens) sintiendo
relax (riláx) relajar
smoothly (smúúzli) suavamente