29 November 2011
Let's Go On Vacation
Travel Information

Cloudy (kláudi) Nubloso
Rainy (réini) Lluvioso
Snowy (snói) Nievoso
Windy (uíndi) Ventoso
Misty (místy) Niebloso
Stormy (stórmi) Tormentodo
Cold (cold) Frío
Hot (hot) Caluroso
Cool (kúúl) Fresco
Humid (jiúmid) Húmedo
Dawn, Sun Rise (dón, san ráis) Amanecer
Dusk, Sun Set (dásk, san set) Atardecer

USA (iú es éi ) - Americans (américans) Australia(austrália) - Australians (austrálians)Britain (bríten) - British (brítish)Canada (kánada) - Canadians (kanédians)England(íngland)-English (ínglish)Ireland(áirland) - Irish(áirish)New Zealand (niú zííland) - New Zealanders (niú zíílanders)
South Africa (sáuz áfrika) - South Africans (sáuz áfricans)
At the Travel AgencySo you are going on vacation.
Yes, we are.
We hope to leave on the 3rd of January
Where would you like to go?
To South Africa but it might be too expansive
How much can you afford to spend?
About US$ 7,000
Well, we have a discount package deal
Two wonderful weeks for two, all expenses paid...
Does that include meals and accomodations?
Yes. Two meals a day and a stay at local homes.
How much would that cost?
US$ 7,570
All right, we'll take it!
Shall I book your flight to Johannesburg?
Yes, please.
Will that be a Visa or a Mater Card?
A Master Card, please.

Airplane (érpléin) Avion
Aboard (abórd)Arrive (aráiv) Llegar
Air Fare (ér fér) Pasaje del AvionAddress (ádres) Direccion
Abroad (abróud) Al ExteriorArrangements(aréinyment)Arreglos
After (áfter) Despues
Already (olrédi) Ya
"We made arrangements with the airline to wait at the airport
after the airplane has already arrived."
Beach (bíích) playa
Bus (bas) Micro
Bag (béég) Bolso
Bring (bring)Traer
Buy (bái) Comprar
Boat (bóut) Bote
Breakfast (brékfast) Desayuno
Back (bék) De Vuelta
"My wife wanted to buy breakfast and bring it
in her bag back to the beach and eat it on the boat."
C Cold (kóld) Frio
Car (kár) Auto
Customs (kástoms) Aduana
Country (kántri) País
Costly (kóstli) Costoso
Climate (cláimet) Clima
Cancel (kénsel) Cancelar
Cab (kéb) Taxi
Currency (korénsi) Moneda
Cash (késh) Efectivo
Call (cól) Llamar
Countryside (kántrisáid)Paisaje
Camping (kémping) Camping
"That country used different currency.
Everything was costly, so when we passed through customs
we didn't pay for our car in cash, we paid by credit card. "
"In the countryside the climate was very cold."

Duty free (diúti frí) Sin Impuestos
Destination (destinéishen) Destinación
Dinner (díner) Cena
Dust (dást) Polvo
Dirty (dérti) Sucio
Direct (dáirect) Directo
Directly (dáirectli) directamente
Dime (dáim) Diez Centavos
Discount (díscaunt) Discuento
Deal (dííl) Oferta
"When we arrived at Johannesburg, we went directly to a friend's house for dinner.
We followed the directions but had to drive on a dusty road and got very dirty. "E
Entrance (éntrens) Entrada
Exit (éxit) Salida
Emergency (eméryensí) Emergencia
Easy (íísi) Facil
Evening (ívning) Tardecita
Entertainment (entertéinment) Entertenmiento
Everything (évrizing) Todo
Evrybody (évribadi) Todos
Envelope (Énvelop) Sobre
Enjoy (énlloi) Disfrutar
"In the evening we enjoyed South African entertainment at an outdoor fair.
There were no emergencies and it was very easy to make new friends .
At the exit, we each recieve an envelope with safari photos in it."

Fly (flái) Volar
Flight (fláit) Vuelo
Flight Attendant (fláit aténdent) AzafataFare (fér) Pasaje
Far (fár) Lejos
Fast (fást) Rápido
Fun (fan) Diversion
Fair (fér) FeriaFind (fáind) Encontrar
Front desk (frónt desk)
Fishing (físhing) Pesca
Follow (fólou) Seguir
Following (fóloing) Siguiente

"The following day, I hoped to reach the front desk.
It was far so I had to walk fast.
I wanted to find a flight attentant and ask her if our air fare
back home included all the fun and games aboard."
Guest (gést) Invitado
Gift (gift) Regalo
Give (giv) Dar
Great (gréit) Gran, Fenomeno
Glad (gléd) Contento
Grass (gras) Césped
Gamble (gámbl) Apostar
Get (get) Conseguir
Games (géim) Juegos
"I was very glad that in South Africa, people give gifts to their guests
and even take them to a great casino where they may gamble and play games."
Hot (hot) Caliente
Holidays (hólideis) Feriados
Horse Riding (hors) Montar a Caballos
Hungry (hángri) Hambriente
Hunting (Hant) Caza
Help (help) Ayuda
How much? (háu match) Cuanto?How many? (háu meny) Cuantos?
How long? (háu long) Cuanto tiempo?
How far (háu fár) A Que Distancia

"Our friend asked us how long we were on holidays
and how much time we could spend in fishing, hunting and horse riding."
"It was hot and I was so hungry, I asked my wife to help him in the kitchen."
Inside (insáid) Adentro
Inquire (inkuáer) Preguntar
Insurance (inshúrens) Seguro
Interesting (ínteresting) Interesante
Interested (ínterested) Interesado
Image (ímell) Imágen
"My wife went to inquire about health and life insurance for our trip.
I was interested in the interesting images inside."
Keep (kíp) Mantener
Keys (kí) Llaves
"Please keep the keys where I can find them"

Luggage (lágeg) Equipaje
Left (left) Izquierda, Se fué, dejóLand (lénd) Tierra
Long (lóng) Largo
Land (tú lénd) Atarreser
List (list) Lista
Letter (léter) Carta, Letra
Lost (lost) Perdido
Lunch (lánch) Almuerzo
"At lunch, I opened a letter from the airline which had a long list of
the luggage we thought lost because it was left on land."

Misty (misto) Niebloso
Meet (mít) Conocer
Meeting (míting) Cita, Reunion
Market (márket) Mercado
Mall (mol) Shopping
Morning (mórning) La Mañana
"The following morning it was misty so my friend and I decided not to meet
at the market but instead, have our meeting in the mall."
Near (níir) Cerca
Next (next) Al Lado, Luego
Now (náu) Ahora
Nothing (názing) Nada
Nobody (nóubádi) Nadie
Nowhere (nóuer) Ningun Lado
Never (néver) Nunca
Night (náit) Noche
"Now, that night I could see nothing and nobody
even the ones that were near, so we went nowhere ."
OOnly (ónli) solamente
Organized (órganaized) Organizado
On Board (on bóurd) A Bordo
Overnight (overnáit) En la Noche
Office (ófis) Oficina
Often (ófen) A Menudo
On Time (on taim) En Tiempo
Outdoors (autdórs) Al Aire Libre
Outside (autsáid) Afuera
"My friend often stayed at his office overnight, only to get organized and
make sure he would be on time for his meeting the next morning,
but he prefered to stay outdoors."
Pay (péi) Pagar
Post Office (post ófis) Correo
Place (pléis) Lugar
Parking (párking) Estacionamiento
Port (port) Puerto
Plan (plán) Plan
"My plan was to accompany him to the post office.
He parked his car at the port and paid for the parking."
Quiet (kuáiet) Tranquilo
Question (kuéstshen) Questión
Quality (kuáliti) Calidad
"The questions are: What quality does a place have and how quiet is it?"

Room (rúm) Habitacion
Rent (rent) Rentar
River (ríver) Río
Rocks (roks) Piedras
Rest (rest) Descanso
Reserve (risérv) Reservar
Ride (ráid) Montar
Read (rííd) Leer
Recognize (Rékognais) Reconocer
Return (ritérn) Volver
"From the photos, I recognized the room he had
reserved us by the river and the rocks.
I took a long ride on a lovely road, then returned to rest and read a little.

Sea (síí) MarSafely (séif) Con Seguridad
Street (strít) Calle
Store (stor) Negocio,Tienda
Shop (tú shop) Comprar, Tienda
Shells (shels) Conchas
Sleep (slííp) Dormir
Sky (skái) Cielo
Sight Seeing (sáit sííng)
Spend (spend) Llevar, Gastar, Pasar
"Away from the noisy streets, the stores and shops,
we spent(spend) a lovely day by the sea, walked on the sand,
picked up shells, and slept(sleep) safely under the sky.
That was all the sight seeing we did that day"
Train (trein) Tren
Ticket (tíket) Boleto
Taxes (táxes) Impuestos
Take (téik) Llevar
Tent (tent) Carpa
Trade (tréid) Intercambio
Trip (trip) Viaje
Tour (túr) Tour
Time (táim) Hora, Vez,
"One time, he bought three train tickets and took us
on a train tour of the province.
We camped out in a large tent he got by trade."
Urgent (érllent) Urgente
Urging (érlling) ImpulsandoUntil (ántil) Hasta
Upstairs (ápsters) Arriba de la escalera
Unlimited (ánlimited) Ilimitado
Useful (iúsful) Útil
Useless (iúsles) Inutil
"Until we had realized the unlimited space outdoors and that
it was useless to sleep upstairs, we received an urgent
message urging us to come back to Johannesburg"
Valid (válid) Válido
Void (void) Anulado
Visit (vísit) Visitar
Visa (vísa) VisaVisitor (vísitor) Visitante
Vacation (vakéishen) Vacación
Verify (vérifai) Verificar
View (viú) Vista
"As visitors, we had to verify whether our visa was still validor if it had become void.We wanted to avoid cutting our vacation short ."
Wait (uéit) Esperar
Waiter (ueíter) Camarero
Windy (uínd) Vientoso
Window (uíndou) Ventana
Warm (uárm) Calido
Week (uík) Semana
Want (Uánt) Quierer
Wall (uól) Pared
Waste (uéist) Gastar en vano
"We didn't want to waste any time but it had been such a
warm and windy day that even the waiter
at the restaurant had to shut off all the windows and turn on
the air, so we decided to wait."Y
Yard (iárd) 90 Centimetros
Yesterday (iésterdei) Ayer
Year (íír) Año
"Yesterday, when my friend placed all our luggage in his 12 yard limosin,
he said that next year when we return for another visit, we will need to travel light."Z
Zoo (zúú) Zoologico
"Tomorrow before leaving for the airport, we plan on
visiting the Johannesburg Zoo."

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