Prepositions of Movement (múvment) Movimiento
Prepositions of movement son preposiciones que indican como una cosa esta moviendo en relacion de otra cosa.
across (akrós) cerca, sobre, de de un lado al otro The plane is flying across the sky.
(a)round (aráund, ráund) alrededor de They let their dogs run around the park.
as far as (és far és) hasta un lugar In the summer, they drive as far as Bariloche.
(away) from ( auéi from) lejos de Sometimes she wants to go away from here.
back from (bék from) de regreso de He is back from Africa.
between (bituín) entre dos cosas That ship sales between Europe and South America.
by (bái) en, por She goes to work by train. The train passes by her house.
down (dáun) hacia abajo It's easier to walk down.
in/to (in/tu) en, dentro de Our neighbors are moving in next week.
off (of) a cierta distancia She is afraid to fall off the bed!
on/to (on/tu) en, sobre, a Go on on with your story.
out of (áut ov) fuera de My boss is out of town.
over (óuver) encima, durante, al otro lado The summer is almost over.
past (past) pasado, pasadas Many butterflies go right past me!
through (zrú) a través de, por She walks through the park to reach her apartment.
to (tu) a, hacia She plans on going to Brazil.
toward/s (tuárd/s) hacia Turn towards the camera and smile!
up (ap) arriba She went up to her room.
Prepositions of Position (posíshen) posicion
En contraste, los prepositions of place, indican como una cosa esta situada en relacion a otra cosa.
about (abáut) sobre, acerca de The bank is located at about one kilometer from here.
above (abáv) por encima de, más arriba de The English books are above the History books
against (agéinst) contra Don´t place the board against the wall, it's newly painted.
among/st (amóng/st) entre más que 2 cosas My father is no longer amongst us.
a/round (a/ráund) alrededor The old church is around here somewhere.
at (ét) en Let's meet at the café near your house.
before (bifor) antes de You must get off the bus one stop before the terminal.
behind (biháind) detrás de Behind the television there's a wall.
below (bilóu) debajo de The people walking below look so small from the roof.
beside (bisáid) al lado de Walk right beside me and you won't get lost.
between (bituín) entre 2 cosas o personas Hold this pen between your two fingers.
in (in) en, dentro de The bed is in the bedroom.
in front of (in front ov) delante de, ante Your nose is right in front of your face.
inside/of (insáid/ov) dentro de Did you put the keys inside your bag?
near ( níír) cerca de I cannot see far, please come near me.
next to (nékst tú) al lado de, junto a My husband sleeps next to me.
off (of) de, separado de They live just off the highway.
on (on) sobre Please don't put your bag on the table.
opposite (óposit) enfrente de There is a tall tree growing opposite the street from us.
underneath (anderníz) debajo de,en la parte inferior Underneath the skin there are muscles.
Prepositions of Time (táim) Tiempo
after (áfter) después de We will come visit you after tomorrow.
before (bifór) antes de Taste the food before you add salt to it.
by bái para (fecha) By the time the police arrives, the thieves are gone.
during diúring durante During the summer we stay in the south.
in (in) en School starts in March.
on on el ... (día, fecha) On Sunday we are going home.
since sins desde They know me since we were in high school.
to (tu) hasta She works from 9:00 to 5:00
until / till (antíl / tíl) hasta She stays later at the office until her work is done.
Other Prepositions (áder preposíshens) Otras Preposiciones
according to (akórding tu) según According to statistics, women live longer than men.
ahead of (ahéd ov) por delante de, llevar ventaja The fastest car is ahead of us.
although (olzou) aunque Although she cannot speak English, she understands a lot.
because of (bikós ov) a causa de We can't go camping because of the rain.
but (bat) pero She likes to travel but she doesn't have the money.
due to (diú tu) debido a Due to the inflation, many people spend less money.
except (eksépt) excepto Everybody wants ice creme except Maria.
for (for) para/por His sons are staying in Argentina for a month.
in spite of (in spáit ov) a pesar de In spite of the heat they are enjoying their visit.
instead of (instéd ov) en lugar de instead of going to the cinema we can watch a video at home.
of (ov) de This ring is made of pure gold.
on behalf of (on biháf ov) en nombre de (alguien) Raul is speaking on behalf of the whole class.
versus (vérsus) contra Lucas lost the chess game versus Juan.
with (uíz) con The Hamburger comes with fries and coke.
without (uizáut) sin Grandpa can't see without his glasses.
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