12 April 2009
The Vocabulary Game
Cuantas palabras podemos componer de una palabra?
Por ejemplo de la palabra ENGLISH, VOCABULARY, COMPOSITION compuse varias palabras:
En, es,
Gin, gel, glen,
He, hi, hen, his, hinge
In, is, isle, Leg, lie, line, lens,
Sin, sign, single, she, shin, shingle, sing, sling,
A, arc, ably, aura,
Bar, blur, boy, buy, boar, boa, by, bury, bay, bra, bray, bloc,
Cab, car, club, crab, coal, coral, cry, clay, curvy, curb, cub, cob, curl, curly, coy, cloy,Larva, lay, lava, labour, lab, lacy,
Oar, oval, oral, ovary, or,
Ray, rob, rub, royal, racy
Vary, vocal, You, your,
Cop, cot, coin, cost, compost,
In, is, it, ion, imp, icon, into,
Mint, mist, moist, mop, most, moon, motion,
No, not,On, oops, option, opt, omit,
Pin, pit, piston, point, poison, post, position, pot, potion,
Sin, sip, sit, son, soon, spoon, spin, spit, soot, sitcom, stoop, stomp
Tin, tic, to, ton, tom, top, tip,
Entiendes todas las palabras? La mayoria?
Que palabras puedes componer de la palabras: UNIVERSITY, TRANSLATION, CERTIFICATE?
Si te gusto el juego, mandame las resultados y les publico en el blog.
10 April 2009
Los Opueststos: Sustantivos - Opposite Nouns

Arrival (aráival) llegada / Departure (depártcher) partida
Birth (berz) nacimiento / Death (dez) la muerte
Creation (criéishen) creacion/ Destruction (distrákshen) distruccion
Danger (déinller) peligro / Safety (séifti) seguridad
Earth (érz) tierra / Heaven (héven) cielo, paraíso
Friend (frend) amigo / Enemy (énemi) enemigo
Friendship (frendship) amistad / Animosity (animósiti) animosidad
Gentleness (lléntlnes) gentilez / Roughness (ráfnes) brutalidad
Heaven (héven) paraíso / Hell (hel) infierno
Heart (hárt) corazón / Mind (maind) mente
Joy (lloi) algria / Sorrow (sórou) tristeza
Kindness (káindnes) bondad / Meaness (míínes) maldad
Love (lav) amor / Hate (heit) ódio
Masculinity (maskulínity) masculinidad / Femininity (feminíniti) feminidad
Noise (nóise) ruido / Silence (sáilens) silencio
Presence (présens) presencia / Absence (ábsens) ausencia
Question (kuéstshen) pregunta / Answer (ánser) respuesta
Rights (ráit) derechos / Responsibilities (responsibílitis) responsabilidades
Strength (strengz) fortaleza / Weakness (uiknes) debilidad
Truth (truz) verdad / Falsehood (fólshúd) falsedad
Usefullness (iúsfulnes) utilidez / Uselessness (iúslesnes) inutilidad
Variety (varáieti) variedad / Monotony (monótoni) monotonidad
War (uar) guerra / Peace (píís) paz
Wisdom (uísdem) sabiduria / Foolishness (fúlishnes) tonteria
Youth (iúz) joventud / Old Age (old eill) viejez
09 April 2009
Student's Composition - Present Simple & Present Continuous - con vocabulario
I am a Designer
I am a designer for Interbrand which is a major, world renowned design and advertising company.
This week I am working for Kraft.
Kraft is a food company and doing a spring promotion in September. They want to redesign the carts for their three new flavors: cheese burger, bacon and Tex Mex. The customer keeps changing his mind and that makes my work difficult.
I’m also working with Rica, a company from the
Today I have a phone presentation conference for Rica.
Sometimes when I start speaking, I feel very nervous and my voice starts shaking and I do not know whether the customer can sense it, but then after a few minutes, I relax and am able to continue smoothly.
Written by
Vocabulary (vokábiulari) vocabulario
designer (disáiner) deseñador
major (meillor) principal
renowned (renáund) conocido, famoso
clients (cláients) clientes
presentation (presentéishen) presentacion
conference (kónferens) conferencia
nervous (nérves) nervioso
shaking (shéiking) tremblando
sense (sens) sintiendo
relax (riláx) relajar
smoothly (smúúzli) suavamente
05 April 2009
Pronounciation by Association - Los Sonidos de la Letra Vocal I

La tercera letra vocal I tiene varios sonidos, depende en como combina con otros consonantes y vocales. Puede sonar como I, Í, Ai, E, Y o Áie por ejemplo:
La I en suena como "I" en palabras como:
In (in) en; Sin (sin)pecado; Win (uin) ganar; Begin (bigin) empezar;
Bring (bring) llevar; King(king) rey; Ring (ring) anilla, llamar;
Sing (sing) cantar; Spring (spring) primavera; Wing (uing) ala,
We will sing to the king in the spring.
Drink (drink) beber; Pink (pink) rosa; Sink (sink) hundir; Think (think) pensar;
pink drink ...
Y... todos los continuous..ing
La I suena como "Í" en palabras como:
Bringing (brínging) trayendo; Drinking (drínking) tomando; Singing (sínging) cantando; Winning (uíning) ganando;
Finger (fínger) dedo; Singer (sínger) cantante
Hindi (híndi) hindu; Windy (uíndi) ventoso;
Printer (prínter) impresora; Winter (wínter) invierno
La I suena como "Ai" en combinacion de consonante+I+e
por ejemplo en palabras como:
Die (dai) morir; Lie (lai) mentir; Pie (pai) tarta; Tie (tai) atar, corbata;
La I tambien suena como "Ai" en combinacion de consonante+I+consonante+e
por ejemplo en palabras como:
Blind (blaind) ciego; Find (faind) encontrar;
Kind (kaind) tipo, cordial; Mind (maind) mente;
Please find me a blind man with a kind mind.
I (ai) yo; Ice (ais) hielo; Mice (mais) ratones; Nice (nais) agracable;
Rice (rais) aroz; Twice (tuais) dos veces;Vice (vais) vicio;
Dine (dain) senar; Fine (fain) fino,bien;
Line (lain) linea; Mine (main) mio; Wine (uain) vino
Let's dine with a fine wine.
Guide (gaid) guia; Hide (haid) esconder; Ride (raid) montar;
Side (said) lado;Wide (uaid) ancho;
Knife (naif) cuchillo; Life (laif) vida; Wife (uaif) esposa
Crime (kraim) crimen; Dime (daim) diez centavos; Time (taim) tiempo;
La I tambien suena como "Ai" en combinacion I+ght
por ejemplo en palabras como:
Bright (brait) brillante; Fight (fait) pelear; Flight (flait) vuelo;
Hight (hait) tamaño; Light (lait) luz, liviano;
Might (mait) poder; Right (rait) derecha, derecho, justo; Sight (sait) vista;
The sight from the hight of our flight was very bright.
La I tambien suena como "Ai" en combinacion I+gn
por ejemplo en palabras como:
Align (alain) alinear; Assign (asain) designar; Sign (sain) firmar, cartel, signo;
en combinaciones de I+mb en palabras como:
Climb (klaim) subir;
La I suena como "E" en combinacion de por ejemplo en palabras como:
Dirt (dert) suciedad; First (ferst) primer; Thirst (zerst) sed;
La I suena como "E" en combinacion de I+On por ejemplo en palabras como:
Information (informéishen) información
Medication (medikéishen) medicación; Nation (néishen) nación
Situation (sitiuéishen) situación; Station (stéishen) estación
Translation (transléishen) traducción; Vacation (vakéishen) vacación
y ...y...y...
la I suena como "Y" en palabras como
Afraid (afréid) tiene miedo
Maid (meid) mucama
Paid (peid) pagó, pagad0
The maid is afraid she won´t be paid.
Main (mein) principal; Plain (plein) plano; Rain (rein) lluvia
Spain (spein) España; Train (trein) tren
La I suena como "Áie" por ejemplo en palabras como:
Fire (fáier) fuego; Hire (háier) contractar; Tire (táier) cansarse; Wire (uáier) cable;
Today's Key - More Prepositions

Prepositions of Movement (múvment) Movimiento
Prepositions of movement son preposiciones que indican como una cosa esta moviendo en relacion de otra cosa.
across (akrós) cerca, sobre, de de un lado al otro The plane is flying across the sky.
(a)round (aráund, ráund) alrededor de They let their dogs run around the park.
as far as (és far és) hasta un lugar In the summer, they drive as far as Bariloche.
(away) from ( auéi from) lejos de Sometimes she wants to go away from here.
back from (bék from) de regreso de He is back from Africa.
between (bituín) entre dos cosas That ship sales between Europe and South America.
by (bái) en, por She goes to work by train. The train passes by her house.
down (dáun) hacia abajo It's easier to walk down.
in/to (in/tu) en, dentro de Our neighbors are moving in next week.
off (of) a cierta distancia She is afraid to fall off the bed!
on/to (on/tu) en, sobre, a Go on on with your story.
out of (áut ov) fuera de My boss is out of town.
over (óuver) encima, durante, al otro lado The summer is almost over.
past (past) pasado, pasadas Many butterflies go right past me!
through (zrú) a través de, por She walks through the park to reach her apartment.
to (tu) a, hacia She plans on going to Brazil.
toward/s (tuárd/s) hacia Turn towards the camera and smile!
up (ap) arriba She went up to her room.
Prepositions of Position (posíshen) posicion
En contraste, los prepositions of place, indican como una cosa esta situada en relacion a otra cosa.
about (abáut) sobre, acerca de The bank is located at about one kilometer from here.
above (abáv) por encima de, más arriba de The English books are above the History books
against (agéinst) contra Don´t place the board against the wall, it's newly painted.
among/st (amóng/st) entre más que 2 cosas My father is no longer amongst us.
a/round (a/ráund) alrededor The old church is around here somewhere.
at (ét) en Let's meet at the café near your house.
before (bifor) antes de You must get off the bus one stop before the terminal.
behind (biháind) detrás de Behind the television there's a wall.
below (bilóu) debajo de The people walking below look so small from the roof.
beside (bisáid) al lado de Walk right beside me and you won't get lost.
between (bituín) entre 2 cosas o personas Hold this pen between your two fingers.
in (in) en, dentro de The bed is in the bedroom.
in front of (in front ov) delante de, ante Your nose is right in front of your face.
inside/of (insáid/ov) dentro de Did you put the keys inside your bag?
near ( níír) cerca de I cannot see far, please come near me.
next to (nékst tú) al lado de, junto a My husband sleeps next to me.
off (of) de, separado de They live just off the highway.
on (on) sobre Please don't put your bag on the table.
opposite (óposit) enfrente de There is a tall tree growing opposite the street from us.
underneath (anderníz) debajo de,en la parte inferior Underneath the skin there are muscles.
Prepositions of Time (táim) Tiempo
after (áfter) después de We will come visit you after tomorrow.
before (bifór) antes de Taste the food before you add salt to it.
by bái para (fecha) By the time the police arrives, the thieves are gone.
during diúring durante During the summer we stay in the south.
in (in) en School starts in March.
on on el ... (día, fecha) On Sunday we are going home.
since sins desde They know me since we were in high school.
to (tu) hasta She works from 9:00 to 5:00
until / till (antíl / tíl) hasta She stays later at the office until her work is done.
Other Prepositions (áder preposíshens) Otras Preposiciones
according to (akórding tu) según According to statistics, women live longer than men.
ahead of (ahéd ov) por delante de, llevar ventaja The fastest car is ahead of us.
although (olzou) aunque Although she cannot speak English, she understands a lot.
because of (bikós ov) a causa de We can't go camping because of the rain.
but (bat) pero She likes to travel but she doesn't have the money.
due to (diú tu) debido a Due to the inflation, many people spend less money.
except (eksépt) excepto Everybody wants ice creme except Maria.
for (for) para/por His sons are staying in Argentina for a month.
in spite of (in spáit ov) a pesar de In spite of the heat they are enjoying their visit.
instead of (instéd ov) en lugar de instead of going to the cinema we can watch a video at home.
of (ov) de This ring is made of pure gold.
on behalf of (on biháf ov) en nombre de (alguien) Raul is speaking on behalf of the whole class.
versus (vérsus) contra Lucas lost the chess game versus Juan.
with (uíz) con The Hamburger comes with fries and coke.
without (uizáut) sin Grandpa can't see without his glasses.
03 April 2009
"Playing for Change" - One Love by Bob Marley con Traduccion
One Love
One Love! One Heart! (Un amor! Un corazon)
Let's get together and feel all right. (Juntemos y sentiremos bien)
Hear the children cryin' (One Love!); (Escucha los niños gritando)
Hear the children cryin' (One Heart!), (Escucha los niños llorando)
Sayin': give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right; (Diciendo: da la gracias y alabanza al Señor y me sentirá bien)
Sayin': let's get together and feel all right. Wo wo-wo wo-wo! (Diciendo: juntemos y sentiremos bien)
Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One Love!); (Deja que pasen todos sus comentarios sucios)
There is one question I'd really love to ask (One Heart!): (Hay una pregunta que realmente me cantaría preguntar)
Is there a place for the hopeless sinner, (¿Existe un lugar por el pecado sin esperanza)
Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own beliefs? (que ha lastimado a toda la humanidad justo para salvar sus propias creencias?)
One Love! What about the one heart? One Heart! (Un amor! Y que pasa con el un solo corazon? Un Corazon!)
What about - ? Let's get together and feel all right (Que pasa con- Juntemos y sentiremos bien)
As it was in the beginning (One Love!); (Como fue al principio) (Un Amor)
So shall it be in the end (One Heart!), (Así será al final)
All right! (Todo bien!)
Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right; (da la gracias y alabanza al Señor y me sentiré bien)
Let's get together and feel all right. (Juntemos y sentiremos bien)
One more thing! (Una cosa más!)
Let's get together to fight this Holy Armagiddyon (One Love!), (Juntemos para combatir a este Armagedon Sagrado) (Un Amor!)
So when the Man comes there will be no, no doom (One Song!). (Así que cuando llega El Hombre no, no habrá condenacion)
Have pity on those whose chances grows t'inner; (Ten compacion por ellos que tienen poca chance)
There ain't no hiding place from the Father of Creation. (No hay lugar para esconder del Padre de la Creacion)
Sayin': One Love! What about the One Heart? (One Heart!)
What about the - ? Let's get together and feel all right.
I'm pleadin' to mankind! (One Love!); (Estoy rugando a la humanidad)
Oh, Lord! (One Heart) Wo-ooh! (Oh Señor!)
Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right; (Da la gracias y alabanza al Señor y me sentiré bien)
Let's get together and feel all right.
Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right;
Let's get together and feel all right
Today's Special Vocabulary - Message of Hope and Peace
Prem Rawat - About the Master
Prem Rawat, known also by the honorary title Maharaji, has traveled the world for four decades, inspiring people to find peace within.
His message is simple and profound. It is independent of and compatible with any philosophy, religion, or spiritual path. At the UN Conference Centre in Bangkok, he said, “Peace needs to be in everyone’s life. The peace we are looking for is within. It is in the heart, waiting to be felt. It is not the world that needs peace; it is people. When people in the world are at peace within, the world will be at peace.”
The Foundation, which he founded, provides nutritious food and clean water to people most in need and holds free medical clinics. TPRF has distributed millions of free meals and operates a permanent food-aid program in a tribal area in northeastern India, where more than 100,000 free hot meals are distributed each year.
The dissemination of his message of peace is made available in more than 90 countries and 70 languages. TPRF’s humanitarian activities are entirely supported by voluntary contributions and the sale of related materials. As a private investor, he supports himself and his family through independent means.
Born in India, he started addressing audiences at the age of three. At eight, he began presenting his message of peace throughout India. At thirteen, he was invited to speak in London and Los Angeles. More than ten million people in 50 countries around the world have come to hear his message of hope and peace.
Today's Special Vocabulary - Phrasal Verbs

Cuando una preposicion o un adjetivo siga a un verbo, se forma el Phrasal Verb y cambia el significado. En ingles existen tantos de ellos que no se puede alistarlos. Ahí están unos pocos ejemplos:
Be (bí) ser/estar
Be over (bí óver) terminar, visitar
Be around (bí araund) estar cerca
Be up (bí ap) levantado
When your father is up, tell him I 'll be over soon.
Break (breik) romper
Break up (breik ap) separar
Break in (breik in) entrar con fuerza
Break through (breik zrú) éxito
Break out (breik aut) epidemia
Winning this game was a real break through for the football team.
Bring (bring) llevar
Bring together (bring tugezer) juntar
Bring up (bring ap) criar, mencionar
Please don't bring the subject up again.
Build (bild) construir
Build up (bild ap) acumulacion
Built in (bilt in) inato, incorporado
The computer has a built in microphone.
Catch (ketch) agarar, atrapar
Catch up with (ketch up uiz) alcanzar
Catch on (ketch on) dar cuenta
It's not easy to catch up with the fast pace in technology.
Face (feis) cara
Face up (feis ap) enfrentar
He has to face up and make some decisions.
Fall (fól) caer
Fall in love (fól in lav) enamorarse
Fall apart (fól apárt) desolver
Fall through (fól zrú)
She is falling in love with him.
Get (get) conseguir
Get up (get ap) levantar
Get down (get daun) bajar
Get into (get intu) involucrarse, meterse
I don't want to get into it right now. We'll talk about it later.
Give (giv) dar
Give up (giv ap) resignarse
Give in (giv in) rendirse
The workers don't intend to give up the strike any time soon.
Go (gou) ir
Go up (gou ap) subir
Go together (gou uiz) acompañar
Go through (gou zrú) atraveser
Go over (gou over) revisar, chequiar
They are going through a hard time.
Do you want us to go over the songs again?
Grow (grou) crecer/criar
Grown up (groun ap) adulto
My daughter is only seven but she tries to act like a grown up.
End (end) terminar
End up (end ap) volverse en, terminarse en
We don't want our parents to end up poor and unhappy.
Hand (hénd) mano
Hand out ( hénd aut) dar
Hand over (hend óver) pasar a
Hand in (hend in) entregar
My boss is going to hand in his letter of resignation tomorrow.
Hang (héng) colgar
Hang in there (héng in there) aguantar
Hang out (héng out) , salir juntos
Hang around (héng araund) quedarse Hang on (héng on) esperar
Hang in there, you are going to be all right.
Hang on, I'm coming.
Let (let) dejar, permitir
Let go (let gou) rendir, dejar
Let out (let aut) sacar
Let be (let bí) dejar ser
"Let it be. let it be, there will be an answer, let it be." Beatles
Make (meik) hacer
Make up (meik ap) maquirse, inventar
Make over (meik óver) renovacion
She makes up all kinds of lies about her family.
Put ( put) poner
Put up with (put ap uiz) aguantar
Put down (put daun) diminuir
Put on (put on) finjir
I can't put up with so much noise.
Stay (stei) permanecer, quedase
Stay up late (stei ap) quedarse hasta tarde
Stay in (stei in) quedarse a la casa
Stay out ( stei aut) quedarse afuera
They don't like to stay in. They enjoy staing out and staying up late.
Take (teik) tomar, agarar
Take out (teik aut) delivery
Take over (teik over) controlar
When a company takes over most of the market, it monopolizes.
Work (uerk) trabajar
Work out (uerk aut) hacer exercisios, resultar, salir bien
Work in (uerk in)