1st- First (ferst) The first month of the year is January
2nd-Second (sekend) The second month of the year is February
3rd-Third ( zerd) The third month of the year is March
4th-Fourth (forz) The fourth month of the year is April.
5th-Fifth (fifz) The fifth month of the year is May
6th-Sixth (sixz) The sixth month of the year is June
7th-Seventh (sevenz) The seventh month of the year is July
8th-Eighth (éiz) The eighth month of the year is August
9th-Ninth (náinz) The ninth month of the year is September
10th-Tenth (tenz) The tenth month of the year is October
11th-Eleventh (ilévenz) The eleventh month of the year is November
12th-Twelfth (tuélvz) The twelfth month of the year is December
13th-Thirteenth (zertíínz)
14th-Fourteenth (fortíínz) February fourteenth is Valentine's Day
15th-Fifteenth (fiftíínz)
16th-Sixteenth (sixtíínz) On his 16th birthday he will be able to drive a car
17th-Seventeenth (seventíínz)
18th-Eighteenth (eitíínz)
19th-Nineteenth (naintíínz)
20th-Twentieth (tuéntiez)
21st-Twenty first (tuénti ferst) On her 21st birthday she will be an "adult".
31st- thirty first (thérti ferst) Thirty first of October is Haloween
41st- forty first (fórti ferst)
100th- hundredth (hándredz) The hundredth year is the end of a century
1000th-thousandth (záusendz) The thousandth year is the end of a millenium
10,000th- ten thousandth(ten tháusendz)
100,000th-hundred thousandth (hándred záusendz)
1,000,000th- millionth (uán mílionz)
1/2- half (háf) When you cut an apple into two parts, you have two halves.
2/3- two thirds (zerds)
3/4- three quarters (kuárters)
4/5- four fifths (fifzs)
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