Agency (éiyensi) agencia - Please ask the agency for two new plane tickets.
Auditorium (oditóeium) auditorium- Buy a ticket at the auditorium, the Rolling Stones are playing there tonight.
Airport (éirport) aeropuerto – Be at the airport three hours
before departure.
Art Gallery (árt gáleri) Galería de Arte – Let’s go see the new exhibits at the art gallery.
Bank (bénk) banko – Go to the bank, get some change (chéinsh) monedas/cambio
Bakery (béikeri) panadería – Please, bring me a loaf of whole wheat bread (a lóuf ov hóul wíít bred) from the bakery.
Coffee Shop (cófi shop)) café – Meet me at our coffee shop at
Cinema (cínema) cinema – Watch that movie in the cinema, see the special effects.
Club (clab) club – Meet me at the club for dinner tonight.
Country Side (cántri said) las afueras – Please drive me to my place in the country side. I need to have a little rest and relaxation.
Deli (deli) fiambrería – Get us two ham sandwiches at the deli.
Department Store (department stor) un supermercado que vende de todo - Shop at the neighborhood department store, it has a large selection.
Downtown (dauntaun) pleno centro – Take the bus downtown, it’s the easiest way to get there.
Flower Shop (flauér shop) floreria – Let me have a dozen of red roses.
Fruit and Vegetable Store (frut end véshtabel stour) fruteria y verduderia – Please get me two pounds of oranges and a pound of bananas from the fruit and vegetable store at the corner.
Garage (garaásh) mecanico – Please take the van to the garage for a tune up.
Grocery Store (gróseri stour) almacen – Buy some milk, cheese and half a pound of green olives at the grocery store.
Hotel (hotel) hotel – Pick her up from the hotel at 7:00am.
Hospital (hospital) hospital – Don’t visit me at the hospital, let’s meet at home.
Jail (sheil) cárcel – Be careful! Don’t drink and drive, you might end up in jail.
Jewelry Store (lluelri stour) joyería –Please fix and polish this bracelet for my wife.
Laundromat (lóndri mét) lavandería - Wash and dry your clothes in the laundromat, it takes
Library (láibreri) bibloteca - Return these books to the library and pick up ten new ones.
Market (market) Mercado – Buy some fresh fish at the market.
Night Club (náit clab) cabaret – Check out the new night club at the corner, they’ve a nice show and good food.
Office (ófis) oficina – Call the office and let them now we are here.
Post Office (post ófis) correo – Please send these letters from the post office across the street.
Prison (príson) preso –Avoid going to prison at all costs.
Play Ground (pléi graund) patio de recreo – Take the children to the play ground; it is a lot of fun.
Park (park) parque – Come on! Go play in the park with your friends.
Parking Lot (parking lat) estacionamiento –Please park the car in the parking lot next door.
Quarantine (quarantine) cuarentina – Please quarantine your son so he may not infect the rest of the family.
Restaurant (réstorant) restaurante – Have lunch with us at the Japanese restaurant.
Spa (spa) balneario – Try the masseuses at the spa, they are very professional.
Subway Station (sábuéi stéishen) estasción de subteraneos – Take the D line at the subway station next block.
Supermarket (súpermarket) supermercado –Try to buy all we need at the supermarket with a credit card.
Train Station (tréin stéishen) estación de tren- Let’s meet at the train station and take the train to Retiro.
Theatre (zíater) teatro –Come to see our show at the theatre, it’s quite entertaining.
University (iúnivérsiti) universidad – Take a history course at the University, it’s very interesting.
Veterinarian (Vet) veterenárian – Please take our dog to the veterinarian, he needs his yearly injections.
Warehouse (uérhaus) galpon – Go to the warehouse, they have discount prices.
Youth Hostel (iúz hóstel) hostel de jovenes- Rent a room for two at the youth hostel, it is not expensive.
Zoo (sú) zoologico - Let's go to the zoo; they have a new baby Koala!
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