¿Que palabras indican las dimenciones de tiempo en el Present Simple?
Usamos palabras que indican habitos, rutinas, hechos, verdades...
Every (time, hour, day, week, month, year, etc.) , At Weekends, On Mondays, Tuesdays..., Usually, Generally, Habitually, Sometimes, Never, Always, Many Times, In the summer, In the winter,
I get up at 8:00am and go to bed at 11:00pm (no hace falta indicar el tiempo, se entiende.)
Every year we take a two weeks vacation.
What do you do at weekends?
We have an English class on Mondays and Fridays.
Usually she doesn't drive to work.
Sometimes they play football in the park.
In the summer he likes to go on long trips to Europe or Africa.
¿Que palabras indican los dimenciones de tiempo en el Present Continuous?
1) usamos palabras que indican el presente de ahora...
Now, Today, These Days, Now a Days, Lately, This year,
What are they doing now? They are cleaning the house (now).
It is raining all day today in the Patagonia.
Lately she isn't studying as much as she would like to.
This year we are planning to go on a trip around the world.
2) usamos palabras que projectan planes o arreglos para el futuro...
Tonight, Tomorrow, Next (Week, Month, Year), In the Summer...
Tonight we are having dinner at my mother's house.
Where are you working tomorrow?
Next year they aren't coming back to school.
In the summer we are taking our family to Peru.
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