31 January 2009

Pronounciation by Association - Introduccion - Los Sonidos de la Letra Vocal A


      Queridos alumnos. El tema de pronunciacion en ingles es bastante involucrada y me está llevando muchos días en armar la materia de una forma simple y entendible. Son tantas las posibilidades que no puedo mostrar todas. No obstante, intentemos a explorar juntos algunas de ellas. Empezemos con las letra vocal A y en los siquientes publicacines continuamos con E, I, O, U...Y...Th, Ph, Ch y ...y...
La primera letra vocal A tiene varios sonidos, depende en como combina con otros consonantes y vocales. Puede sonar como A, Á, Ei, É,Ó y combinada con otras letras puede sonar como O u Au. Por ejemplo:

La A en suena como "A" en palabras como:

Are (ár) es/está, Bar (bár) bar, Car (kár) auto,
ar (fár) lejos; Star (stár) estrella

live (aláiv) vivo;
Arrive (araiv) arivar;
Part (part) parte; Start (start) empezar

(rialístic) real; Pacific (pasífic) pacífico

La A suena como "Á" en palabras como:

Class (klás) clase; Glass (glás) vidrio; Gas (gás) gas, gasolina
Dark (dárk) oscuro; Park (párk) parque
Plastic (plástic) plastico; Fantastic (fantástic) fantastico

La A suena como "É" en palabras como:

And (énd) y; Sand (sénd) arena; Stand (sténd) pararse
Please go and stand in the sand.

Ant (ént) hormiga; Grand (grénd) gran

Black (blék) negro; Slacks (sléks) pantalones;
Bank (bénk) banko; thanks (zénks) gracias
Thanks for the black slacks.

La A suena como "Éi" en combinaciones de......+a+consonantes+e

Por ejemplo en palabras como:

Able (éibel) habil, puede; Cable (kéibel) cable; Table (téibel) mesa
The table isn't stable and I'm unable to connect the cable.
Face (feis) cara, enfrentar; Place (pleis) lugar;
Space (spéis) espacio; Race (reis) raza, corrida
Is there a place for the human race in space?

Age (eiy) edad, era; Page (peiy) pagina; Stage (steiy) escena
Ate (eit) comió; Late (leit) tarde; Plate (pleit) plato

Awake (auéik) despierto; Bake (beik) cocinar en el horno
Cake (keik) torta; Make (meik) hacer
Lake (leik) lago; Take (teik) tomar, llevar
Please bake me a cake and take it to the lake when I'm awake

Came (keim) vino; Game (geim) juego, partido
Name (neim) nombre; Same (seim) lo mismo
The man with no name came again to play the same game.

(chéiny) cambio, cambiar; Strange (streiny) extrañoHe is a stranger who loves danger and brings about change in exchange for a small wage.
La A tambien suena como "Éi" en combinaciones de
A+tion suena como ei+shenPor ejemplo en palabras como:
Conversation (converséishen) conversación;
Information (informéishen) información
Medication (medikéishen) medicación; Nation (néishen) nación
Situation (sitiuéishen) situación; Station (stéishen) estación
Translation (transléishen) traducción; Vacation (vakéishen) variación
y ...y...y...

Ejemplos del Sonido "ei" cuando la letra A combina con la letra I
Afraid (afréid) tiene miedo
Maid (meid) mucamaPaid (peid) pagó, pagad0
The maid is afraid she won´t be paid.

Main (mein) principal/Mainly (méinli) principalmente
Plain (plein) plano/Plainly (pléinli) simplemente
Rain (rein) lluvia
Spain (spein) España
Train (trein) tren
"The rain in Spain rains mainly in the plain." pygmalion

Attain (atéin) lograr/Attainable (atéinabel) posíble a lograr
Contain (kontéin) contener/Conteinable (kontéinabel) conteníble/ Container (kontéiner)
Detain (ditéin) detener/Detainable (ditéinabel) deteníble
Maintain (meintéin) mantener/Maintainable (meintéinabel) manteníble
Retain (ritéin) retener/Retainable ritéinabel) reteníble
Stain (stein) mancha
Sustain (sastein) sustener, apoyar/Sustainable (sastéinabel) susteníble

Gait (geit) porton; Wait (uéit) espera/Waiter (uéiter) mozo

Ejemplos del Sonido "ei" cuando la letra A combina con la letra Y

Bay (bei) bahia
Day (dei) día (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
May (mei) Mayo, Puede, Permite
Pay (pei) pagar
Say (sei) decir
Stay (sei) quedar
Way (uei) camino, manera
Let's take the way to the bay and stay all day! What do you say?

Clay (clei) barra
Play (plei) jugar, tocar, actuación

Crayon (kreyon) crayon
Gray (grei) gris
Pray (prei) rogar
Tray (trei) bandeja
You can play with clay or paint with crayons, they are on the gray tray.OK?

en la combinación de A+ll, la A suena como "Ó"
Por ejemplo:

All (ól) todo; Ball (ból) pelota: Call (kól) llamar;
Fall (fól) caer; Tall (tól) alto....y Mall (mól) shopping....

A+We tambien suena como "Ó"

Awesome (ósam) asombroso, groso;
Aweful (óful) horrible...

A+U como en español puede sonar como "AU"

Auto (auto) auto; Automatic (automátic) automático

o entre "Á", O y "Ó"

Aunt (ánt) tía; Authority (ozórity) autoridad

Fault (fólt) error;
Author (ózor ) autor, escritor;

28 January 2009

¿Que Dicen los Alumnos de daleingles?

Agradezco tu dedicación al enseñarme el idioma ingles, al ver lo mucho que me costaba expresarme, pusiste tu conocimiento como profesional que sos, pero con el agregado de tu hermoso corazón, lo cual hace del aprendizaje algo muy distendido, divertido y es un placer cada clase!!!
Es fantastico el avance que veo en estos casi dos meses!!!
En reiteradas oportunidades intente esto tan dificil para mi de aprender el idioma. Incluso con un año de curso de la facultad, no pude entender y hablar como lo hago en tus clases en tan corto tiempo.
Sabes lo mucho que le dedico en tiempo y esfuerzo, pero es porque realmente el resultado esta a la vista.
Sos una trabajadora incansable, enviando material por tu blog y vía email, solo me queda seguir tu ritmo.!!!
Te felicito por lo profesional, lo humano y recomiendo a todos aquellos que realmente quieran aprender, con tecnicas mas aplicadas a nuestro diario vivir.
Gracias Dahli !!! Besos
Nancy Fontes

25 January 2009

Natural Food - Fruits & Vegetables

(frúts) frutas

Apples (ápels) manzanas
Apricots (apricots) damascos
Avocados (avocádos) paltas
Bananas (banánas) bananas
Berries (béris) bayas
Cherries (chéris) cerezas

Dates (déits) datilas
Figs (figs) higos
Grapes (gréips) uvas
Grapefruits (gréipfrúts) pomelos
Kiwi (kíui) kiwi
Lemons (lemon) lemones
Mandarins (mándarins) mandarinas
Melons (melons) melones
Nuts (nats) nueses/frutas secas
Oranges (órenyes) naranjas
Olives (ólivs) olivas
Pears (pérs) peras
Peaches (píches) duraznos
Raisins (réisins) passas de uvas
Water Melons (uáter mélon) sandía

Vegetables (véytabels) verduras

(aspáragus) asparago
Beets (bííts) remolachas
Broccoli (brócoli) brocoli
Cabbage (kábey) repollo
(kérots) zanahorias
(cólidláuer) coliflor
(corn) choclo

Cucumbers (kiúcambers) pepinos
Eggplants (eggplants) beregenas
Green Beans
(grin bíns) chauchas
Leeks (lííks) puerros
(létes) lechuga
(ónions) cebollas
(pársli) perejil
(pépers) pimientas
(potéitos) papas
(rádishes) radichesas
Red Peppers
(red pépers) ají
(scuásh) zapallo
(toméitos) tomates
(iáms) batatas
(sukíni) zapallito

Today's Special Vocabulary - Food

Food (fúd) alimento……..........……..…….. Feed (fíd) alimentar

Hunger (hánger) hambr.......…....Hungry (hángri) hambriento

Thirst (zerst) sed………….…..........… Thirsty (zérsti) sediento

Taste (teist) sabor………..…............…..Tasty (téisti) saboroso

Full (fúl) lleno………………...........….……………..Fill (fil) llenar

Meal (míl) comida…………….........………………………...………..

Delicious (delíshes) delicioso……………........…………...……….

We need to buy food for the week.

They like to feed the fish in the pond.

He must eat to satisfy his hunger.

When I’m hungry, I don’t like to eat sweets.

Please drink until you quench your Thirst .

Water is the best drink when you are thirsty.

How does it taste?

Your cake is very tasty!

At lunch we have a small meal.

This bread is absolutely delicious!

I am completely full!

Please don't fill my plate!

24 January 2009

Today's Class-Places to Go, Things to Do -With the Imperative

Agency (éiyensi) agencia - Please ask the agency for two new plane tickets.

Auditorium (oditóeium) auditorium- Buy a ticket at the auditorium, the Rolling Stones are playing there tonight.

Airport (éirport) aeropuertoBe at the airport three hours

before departure.

Art Gallery (árt gáleri) Galería de ArteLet’s go see the new exhibits at the art gallery.

Bank (bénk) banko Go to the bank, get some change (chéinsh) monedas/cambio

Bakery (béikeri) panadería – Please, bring me a loaf of whole wheat bread (a lóuf ov hóul wíít bred) from the bakery.

Coffee Shop (cófi shop)) café Meet me at our coffee shop at

4:00 tomorrow afternoon.

Cinema (cínema) cinemaWatch that movie in the cinema, see the special effects.

Club (clab) club Meet me at the club for dinner tonight.

Country Side (cántri said) las afueras – Please drive me to my place in the country side. I need to have a little rest and relaxation.

Deli (deli) fiambrería Get us two ham sandwiches at the deli.

Department Store (department stor) un supermercado que vende de todo - Shop at the neighborhood department store, it has a large selection.

Downtown (dauntaun) pleno centro Take the bus downtown, it’s the easiest way to get there.

Flower Shop (flauér shop) floreria Let me have a dozen of red roses.

Fruit and Vegetable Store (frut end véshtabel stour) fruteria y verduderia – Please get me two pounds of oranges and a pound of bananas from the fruit and vegetable store at the corner.

Garage (garaásh) mecanicoPlease take the van to the garage for a tune up.

Grocery Store (gróseri stour) almacenBuy some milk, cheese and half a pound of green olives at the grocery store.

Hotel (hotel) hotelPick her up from the hotel at 7:00am.

Hospital (hospital) hospitalDon’t visit me at the hospital, let’s meet at home.

Information Center (informéishen center) centro de informaciónAsk for directions at the information center.

Jail (sheil) cárcelBe careful! Don’t drink and drive, you might end up in jail.

Jewelry Store (lluelri stour) joyería –Please fix and polish this bracelet for my wife.

Kitchen (kíchen) cocina - Ask for two glasses of milk at the kitchen and bring me one.

Laundromat (lóndri mét) lavandería - Wash and dry your clothes in the laundromat, it takes

less than an hour and a half.

Library (láibreri) bibloteca - Return these books to the library and pick up ten new ones.

Market (market) Mercado Buy some fresh fish at the market.

Night Club (náit clab) cabaret Check out the new night club at the corner, they’ve a nice show and good food.

Office (ófis) oficinaCall the office and let them now we are here.

Post Office (post ófis) correo – Please send these letters from the post office across the street.

Prison (príson) presoAvoid going to prison at all costs.

Play Ground (pléi graund) patio de recreoTake the children to the play ground; it is a lot of fun.

Park (park) parque – Come on! Go play in the park with your friends.

Parking Lot (parking lat) estacionamiento –Please park the car in the parking lot next door.

Quarantine (quarantine) cuarentina – Please quarantine your son so he may not infect the rest of the family.

Restaurant (réstorant) restauranteHave lunch with us at the Japanese restaurant.

Spa (spa) balneario Try the masseuses at the spa, they are very professional.

Subway Station (sábuéi stéishen) estasción de subteraneos Take the D line at the subway station next block.

Supermarket (súpermarket) supermercadoTry to buy all we need at the supermarket with a credit card.

Train Station (tréin stéishen) estación de tren- Let’s meet at the train station and take the train to Retiro.

Theatre (zíater) teatro Come to see our show at the theatre, it’s quite entertaining.

University (iúnivérsiti) universidad Take a history course at the University, it’s very interesting.

Veterinarian (Vet) veterenárian – Please take our dog to the veterinarian, he needs his yearly injections.

Warehouse (uérhaus) galpon Go to the warehouse, they have discount prices.

Youth Hostel (iúz hóstel) hostel de jovenes- Rent a room for two at the youth hostel, it is not expensive.

Zoo (sú) zoologico - Let's go to the zoo; they have a new baby Koala!

23 January 2009

Give Me One Reason - LYRICS - Dame Una Razón

Give me
one reason to stay here - and I'll turn right back around
Give me one reason to stay here - and I'll turn right back around
Said I don't want leave you lonely
You got to make me change my mind

Baby I got your number and I know that you got mine
But you know that I called you, I called too many times
You can call me baby, you can call me anytime
But you got to call me

Give me one reason to stay here - and I'll turn right back around
Give me one reason to stay here - and I'll turn right back around
Said I don't want leave you lonely
You got to make me change my mind

I don't want no one to squeeze me - they might take away my life
I don't want no one to squeeze me - they might take away my life
I just want someone to hold me and rock me through the night

This youthful heart can love you yes and give you what you need
I said this youthful heart can love you and give you what you need
But I'm too old to go chasing you around
Wasting my precious energy

Give me one reason to stay here - and I'll turn right back around
Give me one reason to stay here - and I'll turn right back around
Said, I don't want leave you lonely
You got to make me change my mind

Baby just give me one reason - Give me just one reason why
Baby just give me one reason - Give me just one reason why I should stay
Said I told you that I loved you
And there ain't no more to say

Tracy Chapman - Give me one reason

Esta cancion fabulosa empieza con el Imperativo, give me! dame!