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daleingles wishes Javier ![]() ![]() | |
19 February 2009
16 February 2009
Words of the Master-About Peace and War

De un evento con Maharaji, en Israel,
a comienzos de este año 2009
"Peace is the perfume of God. When you are close to God, you can smell it . . . When you feel each breath from the depths of your heart, you become intoxicated with its fragrance."
La paz es el perfume de Dios. Cuando te encuentras cerca a Dios, puedes olerlo…Cuando sientes cada aliento desde la profundidad de tu corazón, te intoxicas con su fragancia.
"If peace is the perfume of God, then war is the stench of ignorance and arrogance. For war to happen, it takes both ignorance and arrogance."
Si la paz es el perfume de Dios, entonces la guera es la fetidez de la ignorancia y de la arrogancia. Para que la guerra suceda, toma tanto ignorancia como arrogancia.
Traducido por Miguel Yepes
Only You-Lyrics
Only you can make this world seem right
Only you can make the darkness bright
Only you and you alone
Can thrill me like you do
And fill my heart with love for only you
Only you can make this change in me
For it's true, you are my destiny
When you hold my hand
I understand the magic that you do
You're my dream come true
My one and only you
Only you can make this change in me
For it's true, you are my destiny
When you hold my hand
I understand the magic that you do
You're my dream come true
My one and only you
THE PLATTERS "Only you" (Subtítulos en español)"
15 February 2009
Students' Composition-Brainstorm-Present Simple

get up
ponder (meditate)
A Day In My Life
My routine is simple: I get up at am every day. I have a bath and then I ponder for a long time on the armchair. My breakfast is a delicious cheese, then I walk looking at the flowers in a sunny day. I see to pass the day across my window knowing that I forgets to do some thing. I run to the bathroom and stop in the sand. In this moment I understand that I am the cat!
I am Mishifus.
Written by Nancy Fontes
A Day In My Life
My routine is simple: I get up at 10:00 am every day. I have a bath and then meditate for a long time on the armchair. After a delicious breakfast of cheese, I walk around looking at the flowers on a sunny day. I watch the day pass by through my window but then it usually occurs to me that something is amiss. I run to the bathroom and stand on the sand. In that moment I understand (realize) that I am a cat! I am Mishifus.
Edited by dahli
Today's Key-Brainstorm-Para Composición de Un Párafo

El "brainstorm" o "la tormenta del mente" es una tecnica muy útil
para solicitar ideas escondidas en el sub conciencia. Se usan esta tecnica en todas las empresas y proyectos importantes.
¿Como funcciona? Cuando se trata de escribir una composicion, un artículo o un libro, la mejor manera es empesar con el "brainstorm". Uno permite a las ideas aparecer sueltas como una sola palabra, o dos; puede ser un parte de una oración. Se anota todo que se ocurre a uno, sea lo más "loco", "ridículo" o que "no tiene nada que ver" sobre el tema que elige. (Si no eligió un tema, puede usar la tecnica de brainstorm para solicitarlo.)
I long to be like
the trees
no grudge
need so little
I Long To Be...
I long to be like the plants, the flowers and the trees. They need so little: earth, water and sunshine yet what they give in return is so much: oxygen, shade, beauty and fragrance.
They give their love and ask nothing in return.
When the night comes, the flowers may fold. It might them take all night to turn towards the sunrise by morning. But they strive and prepare to receive the warmth and light of the sun.
When there is no rain, they wait. They wait with hope. And then it rains and they look so happy and grateful. In the Fall, some trees shed all their leaves, letting them go even if they need them then more than ever. They hold no grudge; they trust in nature.
Like those plants, flowers and trees I long to be grateful and trust, and most of all I long to love, asking for nothing in return.
12 February 2009
Today's Review-Question Words-Questions and Answers

A Questionary (e kueschenéri) un cuestionario
An Interrogation (en interogéishen) una interogación
An interview (en ínterviú) una intrevista
A Consultation (a konsultéishen) una consulta
Question Words
What? (uat) ¿que?
Which? (uich) ¿cual?
Where? (uer) ¿donde?
When? (uen) ¿cuando?
Who?(hú) ¿quien?
Whose? (hús) ¿de quien?
Whom? (húm) ¿a quien?
Why? (uái) ¿porque?
How? (hau) ¿como?
How many? (hau meni) ¿cuantos? (para contables)
How much? (hau mach) ¿cuanto? (para incontables)
How often? (hau ofen) ¿en que frecuencia?
How far? (hau fár) ¿cuan lejos?
How long? (hau kuikli) ¿cuan rápido?
Questions and Answers (kueschens énd ánsers)
Preguntas y Respuestas
Q. What time do you go to the office?
A. Usually, I leave the house around 8:00 am.
Q. Which subway or bus do you take?
A. I drive my car to work.
Q. Where do you park your car in the morning.
A. I park it at the parking lot next to the supermarket by the office.
Q. When do you take a vacation?
A. Sometimes I take a vacation in the summer, but I often take it in the Fall.
Q. Who cleans your house for you.
A. Nobody. I do it by myself!
Q. Whose house is it?
A. It belongs to me now that my parents are no longer alive.
Q. With whom do you share the house.
A. With my two cats and three dogs.
Q. Why do you live in such a big house all by yourself?
A. This is the house I was born in and I am single.
Q. How many brothers and sister do you have?
A. I have one sister who lives with her husband and three children.
Q. How much time does it take you to reach the office by car?
A. It takes around 35 to 45 minutes, depending on traffic.
Q. How often do you see your sister?
A. I see her every now and then, perhaps twice a year.
Q. How far does she live?
A. She lives in Bariloche, that's approximately 3000 kilometers away.
Q. How long does it take to get there by plane?
A. It takes about 5 hours but getting to the airport takes 2 additional hours.
Whatever (uatéver) cualquier cosa
Whichever (uichéver) cualquier cosa
Where ever (uer éver) cualquier lugar/lado
Whenever (uen éver) cualquier tiempo/momento
Whoever (huéver) cualquiera
However (hauéver) cualquier manera/forma
Questions and Answers (kueschens énd ánsers)
Preguntas y Respuestas
Q. What do you want me to do?
A. Whatever you do is all right by me.
Q. Which airline do you recommend?
A. Whichever airline is safer.
Q. When do you think is the best time to visit my sister?
A. Whenever you both feel like seeing each other.
Q. Who takes care of your cats and dogs when you're away?
A. Whoever agrees to stay with them in the house.
Q. How do you compensate for not having a family?
A. However I can but Sometimes, it is lonely out here.
10 February 2009
Today's Class-Some, Any, No, Many, A Few, Much, A Little, Lots of, A Lot of

09 February 2009
Today's Key-Cause and Effect/If, When, Because-Present Habitual (Simple)-Causa y Efecto

La estructura de los condicionales del Presente Habitual (Simple) en ingles coinciden con aquellas en español- Cuando queremos expresar una causa de un hecho o una verdad usamos "If", "when" o "because" con el presente habitual (simple), y despues de la coma, el efecto tambien es en el presente habitual.
por ejemplo:
(are, need=Present Simple) (tienes, necesitas=Presente Simple)
If you are thirsty, you need to drink water. (You need to drink water if you are thirsty)
Si tienes sed, necesitas tomar agua. (Necesitas tomar agua si tienes sed.)
(walk, get=Present Simple) (caminas, emojas=Presente Simple)
If you walk in the rain without an umbrella, you get wet. (You get wet if you walk in the rain without an umbrella.)
Si caminas en la lluvia sin un paraguas, te emojas. (Te emojas si caminals en la lluvia sin un paraguas.)
(shines, rains, appears=Present Simple) (brilla, llueve, aparece=Presente Simple)
If the sun shines when it rains, a rainbow appears ins the sky. (A rainbow appears in the sky if the sun shines when it rains.)
(Si el sol brilla cuando llueve, un arco de iris aparece en el cielo. (Un arco de iris aparece en el cielo si el sol brilla cuando llueve.)
(reaches, boils=Present Simple) (llega, hierva=Presente Simple)
When water reaches 100º centigrate, it boils. (Water boils when it reaches 100º centigrate.)
Cuando el agua llega a los 100º Celcius, se hierva. (El agua hierva cuando llega a los 100º Celcius.)
(feel, cry=Present Simple) (sienten, lloran=Presente Simple)
When babies feel uncomfortable, they cry. (Babies cry when they feel uncomfortable.)
Cuando los bebes sienten incómodos, lloran. (Los bebes lloran cuando sienten incómodos.)
(arrives, bloom=Present Simple) (llega, florecen=Presente Simple)
When spring arrives, flowers bloom. (Flowers bloom when spring arrives.)
Cuando llega la primavera, florecen las flores. (Las flores florecen cuando llega la primavera.)
(is, makes=Present Simple) (es, hace=Presente Simple)
"Because the sky is blue, it makes me cry." Beetles (The sky makes me cry because it is blue.)
"Porque el cielo es azul, me hace llorar." (El cielo me hace llorar porque es azul.)
(have, feel=Present Simple) (tenemos, sentimos=Presente Simple)
Because we have a watch dog, we feel safe. (We feel safe because we have a watch dog.)
Porque tenemos un pero guardiano, sentimos seguros. (Sentimos seguros porque tenemos un pero guardiano.)
(knows, trusts=Present Simple) (conoce, confia=Presente Simple)
Because she knows you, she trusts you. (She trusts you because she knows you.)
Porue ella te conoce, te confia. (Ella te confia porque te conoce.)
08 February 2009
¿Que Dicen los Alumnos de daleingles?
Tu blog es muy completo y nos ayuda mucho!! Gracias por pensar en tus alumnos!
Te deseo lo mejor ya que realmente sos una persona que llega al corazón de tus alumnos con tu conocimiento y tu linda personalidad!!
Aprendemos de una manera distinta, distendida y divertida!
Espero volver pronto a las clases de ingles, y me encanta k emprendas cosas nuevas, te felicito!!!
Felicidades para vos y un muy buen año!!!
Today's Special Vocabulary

Truth (truz) verdad True (tru) verdadero Truely (truli) verdadamente
Simplicity (simplísiti) simplicidad Simple (símplel) simple Simply (símpli) simplemente
Openness (óupenes) abertura Open (ópen) abierto Openly (ópenli) abiertamente
Frankness (frénknes) Frank (frénk) franco Frankly (frénkli) francamente
Sincerity (sinsériti) sinceridad Sincere (sinsír) sincero Sincerely (sinsírli) sinceramente
Honesty (ónesti) honestidad Honest (ónest) honesto Honestly (ónestli) honestamente
Reality (riáliti) realidad Real (rííl) real Really (rííli) realmente
Authenticity (ozentísiti) autenticidad Authentic (ozéntic) autentico
"To understand the ultimate truth, ... you have to be utterly simple
because truth is simple," says Prem Rawat.
"How simple?" asks Maharaji "With the heart of a child.
What does a child have that you don't have? Simplicity."
We express ourselves openly.
Frankly, I need to spend some time by myself.
A sincere person always has my approval.
"Honesty is the best policy."
Be real!
This is an authentic Van Goch painting.
Her expression is very natural and free.
because truth is simple," says Prem Rawat.
"How simple?" asks Maharaji "With the heart of a child.
What does a child have that you don't have? Simplicity."
We express ourselves openly.
Frankly, I need to spend some time by myself.
A sincere person always has my approval.
"Honesty is the best policy."
Be real!
This is an authentic Van Goch painting.
Her expression is very natural and free.
Student's Compositions-"Dear Dahli"

Dear Dahli,
I want to understand the motive for which people think that is easier to say lies that to tell the truth. I hate to justify me when sometime I say some lie. If a person thinks and feel a thing in your heart because after his mouth another different thing goes out. If we cannot express it that we feel, our emotions and bodies were paying the consequences.
We must learn to love our life and bodies.
We must not live only for the image. We must enjoy what feel in ours.
This is healthier and entertaining. I love myself!!!
Nancy Fontes
Nancy's second composition in Present Habitual (simple) incorporating a reflexive pronoun.
Edited version by dahli with Nancy's approval:
Dear Dahli,
I want to know the reason why people think that it is easier to tell lies than to tell the truth. I hate to justify myself when I lie. When people think and feel something in their heart, why then something different comes out of their mouth? If we cannot express what we feel, our body pays the consequences physically, emotionally and mentally.
We must learn to love our life and body.
We need not live only for our image. We should enjoy what we feel within. This is healthier and more enjoyable.
I love myself!!!
07 February 2009
Today's Class-Reflexive Pronouns-Pronombres Reflexivos

Cuando el Sujeto y el Objecto en una oracion refieren a la misma persona o cosa, usamos el Reflexive Pronoun
| |
Subject | Reflexive |
One I | Oneself (uánself) uno mismo Myself (maisélf) mi mismo |
You | Yourself (yorsélf) ti mismo |
He | Himsel (himsélf) si mismo |
She | Herself (hersélf) si misma |
It | Itself (itsélf) si mismo |
We | Ourselves (auersélvs) |
You (pl) | Yourselves (yorsélvs) |
They | Themselves (demsélvs) |
- Please (you) make yourself at home. (Sienta (ti mismo) en tu casa)
- He cleans his house by himself . (El limpia su casa por si mismo)
You and Reina can try to study by yourselves, but it isn't easy. (Tu y Reina pueden tratar a estudiar por ti mismos (solos, sin ayuda), pero no es fácil.)
Para ellos decimos themselves (demsélvs)
They sew their cloths by themselves.(Ellos cosen sus vestidos por si mismos)
¿Cuando usamos los Pronombres Reflexivos?
1.Cuando el sujeto y el objeto refieren a la misma persona o cosa.2.Usamos los Reflexive Pronouns para émfasis.
- I bake bread myself! (Yo mismo cocino pan.)
- She enjoys the class very much. I enjoy it very much myself. (Yo también la disfruto mucho.)
¿Cuando no usamos los Pronombres Reflexivos?
1. Con varios verbos en Ingles raramente o nunca usamos los pronombres reflexivos.
por ejemplo: adapt, behave, complain, concentrate, get up, hide, lie down, meet, move, relax, remember, shave, shower, sit down
2. Despus de una preposicion de espacio usamos pronombre personal no reflexivo.
- He complains about the neighbor who lives next to him. (El queja del vecino que vive al lado de el.)
Ourselves, Themselves and Each Other
1. Usamos each other cuando dos o mas personas o cosas comiten la misma acción uno a otro.- My friend and I always call each other late at night. (Mi amiga y yo siempre llamamos una a otra de noche)
- Politicians usually compete with each other. (Los politicos usualmente competen uno con el otro.)
- John and James teach themselves many things. (John teaches himself many things and James teaches himself many things).
- John and James teach each other many things. (John teaches James many things and James teaches John many things.)